Terri Hamilton-Gahart
I have been creating with different mediums throughout my life. My Granni introduced me to beads and I spent hours in the back room of her house looking at, touching and stringing them. In 1999, I sold my first piece of jewelry to a friend who also encouraged me to start a business. I chose the name Heartfire to express my passion about and love of beads, especially gemstones that come from the “heart” of the earth. For me, assembling the patterns and colors of the beads is a consuming passion, literally the fire of my heart.
Working with kiln formed glass satisfies my creative need for engagement and transformation. Working alone in my studio cutting and assembling the pieces of glass engages the colorful images derived, on many occasions, from my dreams. Once the glass enters the kiln, the collaborative process continues where the glass transforms from pieces into a unified whole. The work holds all time perspectives for me; during creation, the present moment is experienced, while the piece before firing holds the past and its form suggests the possibility of the future. In my creations, I strive to hold the paradox of movement in a static piece, the tension of randomness and order, and the excitement of the interaction of the color combinations.